Saturday, January 26, 2008

I mostly just have this so I can leave comments.
I also wanted people to be able to visit my site from those comments.
Except all of my things are on xanga.
Go there to see updates and pictures of our little family.
There are rarely pictures of my husband or me, mostly of the kids.
Alex is 2 1/2. He's ridiculously smart and absolutely hilarious.
Danica is 6 months. She was a preemie, just over 3 pounds when she was born. She's super fat now and so cute!

1 comment:

twin power mommy ♥ said...

saw your comment on CFhusband blog. i checked out your page on Xanga. you're right, your daughter does not even look like she was a preemie. she's so healthy looking! i take it you breastfeed her? i nursed my son (who's now 21 months) until he was 19 months. i loved it. it was hard at first, i struggled, but it became such a neat bonding experience for the both of us. i also have twin girls who were preemie. they were born at 25 weeks. i know all too well the life in the NICU. check out my blog